By Fengar Gael
The Forbidden Fruits of Honey Frost: A dystopian exploration of the corrosive effects of obscene wealth, sexual predation, and the human capacity for romance, resilience, and belief in the world beyond. The infested apples in an orchard in the Hudson River Valley serve as a metaphor for the corruption of democratic ideals when the ethics of business affect every aspect of human life.
The Forbidden Fruitsof Honey Frost had a concert reading at The Playwrights Gallery Salon Reading Series on June 21st, 2017 featuring Jean Brookner, Jason Guy, Olivia Kinter, Dara O'Brien, Jed Peterson, and Sarah Sirota.
In April 2018, the play was chosen from over 400 submissions to be performed at the Landing Theatre Company's New American Voices Play Reading Series directed by Troy Scheid and featuring Andrea Boronell, Sklyer Sinclair, Carian Parker, Michelle Britton, John Dunn and Taelon Stonecipher.
The masked cast at the Landing Theatre